I did it. I hit the three month mark. I cheated and went back to yoga a bit early. I took it really easy though. I could not take the stress, I had to get back in that room. When i think of all the people who don't do yoga. I don't know how you do it. I am not judging. Just saying, I am no saint, but drinking, drugs, recreational or otherwise are not my thing...I need that yoga to settle my shit down! Seriously. You can't imagine how much happier my house is. My kids look adorable and Ilove being with them. My patience is so much greater. I love my life again.
I knew it would take time, but you forget how hard it is to parent when you don't feel well. It is so great to feel the beginnings of normalcy. And to get back into that yoga room. It was so great to go to my 3 month visit and know I had reached a significant milestone. The bone has grown around the new hip, and I don't feel, nor am I any longer quite so fragile. I told him about the few yoga poses that feel weird, and assured him I would take them slow and careful. He is a bit worried about me as he knows i like to stretch, and he wants my capsule to remain somewhat tight and strong. Like everything else in life, it will be a balance.
I love feeling myself start to get strong again. It is going to be slow. I have not been in prime fighting form in 5 years. I have not got my body back since having Tatum 3 years ago. I don't have a goal to look 20 again, or even as lean and mean as I did in my 30s, but I think I can look and feel better than I do right now. I don't believe in dieting, but if I could seriously reduce my cookie intake, that right there might solve the problem. I love and accept myself for who I am, but I do have some goals to reach by the end of this year.
1. lose 5 pounds, and tone up my fat stomach
2. Get rid of my limp and take up some exercize walking to help achieve goal #1
3. Head to Disneyland with Ruby. She is almost 5 and 1/2, it really is time. This is one of the reasons I got a new hip anyway.
I don't update my blog much, and I really don't know who is reading it now or will in the future. But I can say this, when you go through a life changing event, sharing it in writing just helps .
Peace out!